A national charity with its head-office and main hub in Bolton is looking for 10 Peer Supporter volunteers to help families using a new breastfeeding helpline.

Families and Babies (FAB) charity already offers a breastfeeding support group at its shop on Tonge Moor Road where there is also a breastfeeding-friendly space.

A fully trained Peer Supporter is also there to support any families who “drop in” for help with breastfeeding.

Currently, a weekly Peer Support group meets at the Dunelm store café in Bolton.

Elaine Edwards, Founder and Chair of FAB, explained: “Breastfeeding is free but, while it is natural, it doesn’t always come naturally.

“Breastfeeding can also be a very emotive subject, especially if families have tried to breastfeed unsuccessfully. While the majority of women are physiologically able to breastfeed, many are forced to stop doing so earlier than they would like, often due to a lack of a dedicated support network.”

Elaine stated that, from FAB’s experiences running helplines for residents around its Wakefield branch, “we know what a lifeline our support can be when parents and carers are having difficulties with breastfeeding.

She said: “These helplines are open 24 hours and receive approximately 200 calls a month. We know that such a service would be welcomed by new mothers and families in Bolton, based on feedback from those attending our group and who come to our shop seeking support.

“Secondly, we have created a warm space for mothers and families to ‘drop in’ to our community hub on Tonge Moor Road to receive a hot drink, something to eat and support with their baby.”

This is available when the charity shop is open, Monday to Saturday from 10am to 4pm.

For the new service, FAB is looking to recruit 10 volunteers to run and manage the helpline. They will be fully trained as FAB Peer Supporters, providing valuable training opportunities.

Added Elaine: “Newborn babies feed on average at least 12 times in a 24 hour period.

“In the early days of parenthood, it can be challenging to leave the house and it means coming to a hub for support or visiting a group isn’t always practical.

“Our helpline means that families can contact us for support without leaving their home.”

For more information email info@familiesandbabies.org.uk