The world premiere production of 'A Knight's Tale The Musical' is set to open at Manchester Opera House from April 11, 2025.

The show is produced by Runaway Entertainment, known for Disney's Newsies, Girl From The North Country, 2:22 - A Ghost Story, and 101 Dalmatians the Musical, among others.

The musical is based on the Columbia Pictures film that starred Heath Ledger and Paul Bettany and was written and directed by Brian Helgeland.

Adapted for the stage by Irish comedy writer and actor Brona C Titley, it is directed by the award-winning Rachel Kavanaugh and choreographed by Olivier award-winner Matt Cole.

The production will end on May 10, 2025.

Brian Helgeland said: "Over twenty years ago I had the time of my life surrounded by a supreme cast and crew making a film we all fell in love with while we were joyfully making it.

"Sitting at a recent read through of the stage version, fashioned by Rachel Kavanaugh and Brona C Titley, I could feel that same joy and love emerging.

"I am grateful for the new life they are creating and very eager to see it in all its fully staged glory."

Brona C Titley said: "When I saw A Knight’s Tale the Movie in 2001, I knew it was an instant classic.

"This show is a sexy, silly, jousty, dancey, romance-y, musical extravaganza!

"It’s been one of the most fulfilling jobs of my career so far."

Rachel Kavanaugh, said: "I am beyond excited to be directing Brona’s brilliant and hilarious stage adaptation of Brian’s ground breaking film.

"I hope we can give the audience a night to remember."

Tickets go on sale from August 1.