I am incredibly pleased to write my first column as the Member of Parliament for Bolton North East. It’s been a busy couple of weeks to report back on, but I’ve hit the ground running since being elected.

Firstly, I wanted to thank those of you that voted for me at the General Election and put your trust in me to deliver the change, both our town and country need.

It was a pleasure to speak to so many of you during the campaign and I will work hard to be your voice, whether you voted for me or not at the recent election. It was clear Bolton wanted change, but it’s now my duty to serve our town and give you faith again in the ability of politics and politicians to make your lives better.

Two supporters I would like to thank are my predecessors. I was deeply honoured by the support from both of Bolton North East's living former MPs, Sir David Crausby and Mark Logan. It’s a rare and encouraging sign of cross-party unity. I wish Mark well in whatever the next challenge is for him, and I want to express my best wishes, to both of their families.

One of the first tasks for a new MP is speaking in the House of Commons for the first time in a ‘maiden speech’. Delivering my maiden speech was a moment of profound pride. It’s a chance to celebrate your constituency and set out your aims as an MP. My maiden speech was dedicated to the exceptional women of Bolton who have inspired me. As the first-ever female MP for Bolton North East, I felt it important to champion the incredible women in business or those who inspire our communities.

I was also pleased to take part in the King’s Speech debate, as the new Government sets out its priorities for the year. Economic growth and stability are at the heart of the new agenda, and I am determined to ensure our town benefits from its fair share. Bolton's future hinges on a revitalised town centre and as its new MP, I am focused that our new Labour government will begin to fix the damage of the last 14 years of chaos and uncertainty.

I am in the process of setting up my constituency office, but please get in touch if you have an issue, question or concern you want to raise with me as a constituent.

I am honoured to serve the people of Bolton North East and look forward to working tirelessly to make our community a better place for all.