An empty former solicitors’ office could be turned into a new “boutique hotel” right in the heart of Bolton town centre.

The building on Wood Street, just off Bradshawgate had previously been used by law firm Russell & Russell before it closed in October 2022.

But plans have been lodged to revive the site as a hotel with 26 ensuite bedrooms across three floors with office, storeroom and kitchen spaces.

Cllr Richard Silvester, of Queens Park and Central, said: “I most certainly welcome this planning application by Silkhouse Hotel Ltd to covert these empty offices in Wood Street into a hotel.

“The regeneration of Bolton town centre is now bringing such applications forward which shows that this is generating interest with developers and business owners and a growing confidence to invest.

An artist's impression of one of the proposed bedroomsAn artist's impression of one of the proposed bedrooms (Image: G&T Architects)

“Wood Street is one of the more historic streets and I am pleased that the applicant will preserve the front facade of the building but more importantly I am pleased that this street will again have life and economic activity.

“We do not see planning applications for hotels very often, but the fact is that now, this proves that Bolton with its regeneration is becoming a place to visit and stay and this application I am certain will be of significant benefit, so it has my support.”

The plans were entered on Tuesday July 9 this year and will include seven ensuite bedrooms on the ground floor, 12 on the first and another seven on the second floor.

The hotel will have bedrooms across three floorsThe hotel will have bedrooms across three floors (Image: G&T Architects)

The ground floor will also include a main entrance and reception area with a kitchen and utility rooms, while the first floor will include a general office and storeroom.

The second floor will also have a general office and storeroom with a stairwell and circulation area.

A statement by G&T Architects said: "The target rating for the hotel will be four star.

"It is hoped that the quality finishes will help attract a good quality of patron.

"In turn, it is hoped that this will provide tangible benefits to the town."

Although Wood Street is a prominent historic street it still falls just outside the Churchgate Conservation Area.

The statement said: “Whilst Wood Street is a Historic Street it is noted that no significant changes are proposed to the front of the existing building as part of the project.

“The proposed development will therefore not cause any impact or detriment to the heritage of the area.

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“Whilst the building is currently in reasonable condition, investment/regeneration is needed to secure the longevity of the building and to maintain the heritage value of the street/immediate surroundings.

“A high-quality conversion/change of use to create a new boutique hotel should therefore by looked upon favourably and be considered appropriate/acceptable.

“The project will also create wider economic and regeneration benefits for the town.”

Bolton Council will aim to decide whether or not to approve the plans by Friday September 6.