Radcliffe Library will remain open in its current location while work to build new facilities at the civic hub takes place.

As part of the £40m Radcliffe regeneration project, the existing library building in Stand Lane will be turned into an enterprise centre to support businesses.

Construction is due to start in the next two months and cannot be delayed, because the £1.2m secured from the government, complemented by £455,000 from the council, must be fully spent by March 2025.

Only last month the council ruled out keeping the service within the present building during conversion due to health and safety issues.

Council leaders looked at moving the library to a number of other locations in the town without success.

They have now decided that the best and least disruptive solution would be stay at its current site and move the library to the first floor of the building.

The library will be moved upstairs while work to create the enterprise centre on the ground floor is carried out.

There will be lift access to the first floor, and opening hours will be unchanged, with the library continuing to provide the same range of services and activities to residents.

Work on the new Radcliffe Hub is well under way and is due to be completed in spring 2026.

From late September to early October the library will be closed for several weeks while it is being relocated to the upper floor.

During this time the ground floor will be sealed off, ready for construction of the enterprise centre.

While Radcliffe Library is briefly shut, alternative library services and activities will be available across our other libraries at Bury, Prestwich and Ramsbottom.

At the end of October the Enterprise Centre construction programme is se to begin.

To keep disruption to a minimum, major work is planned for times when the library will be closed.

Cllr Charlotte Morris, cabinet member for culture, the economy and skills, said: “Radcliffe residents will soon have a fabulous new library in the hub we are currently building in the town centre.

“We were keen that local people could still access library facilities in the meantime, so it made sense to move upstairs at the existing building rather than move to a new location entirely.

“Local jobs and support for new and small local businesses is an essential part of Radcliffe regeneration.

"The new enterprise centre will provide much needed flexible working space, along with meeting rooms, business support services and community space.”

Cllr Morris added: “During construction projects some inconvenience is inevitable, but we will be doing everything possible to keep any disruption to a minimum.

“We want to thank everyone for their patience during this transitional period before Radcliffe Library gets its permanent new home.”