Calls are being made to increase school funding in Bolton by local teachers.

Bolton branch of the National Education Union said it extends its congratulations to the Labour Party electoral success in the borough, and said the body looks froward to "working with our newly elected representatives to address the critical issues facing our schools".

Robert Poole, Assistant District Secretary for Bolton NEU, stated:"We welcome the election of Labour MPs in Bolton and hope this signals a positive shift for education policy. However, words must be matched with action. We call on our new representatives to prioritise:

Robert PooleRobert Poole

1. Increased funding for schools to address budget shortfalls and resource gaps

2. Improved pay and working conditions for teachers to tackle recruitment and retention challenges

3. A review of high-stakes testing and its impact on student wellbeing and curriculum breadth

The NEU stands ready to engage constructively with our MPs to ensure Bolton's educators and students receive the support they deserve. We will closely monitor progress on these vital issues and hold our representatives accountable to their campaign promises on education."