Two weeks on from the general election, I am pleased to be able to write my first column as the Labour Member of Parliament for the Bolton West constituency.

I’d like to thank everyone who put their faith in me and voted for change. Over the weeks and months leading up to the election, I spoke to many of you on the doorstep. It was a privilege to listen both to your hopes for the future and also hear your thoughts as to how, together, we can overcome the challenges we face as a country.

I would also like to send my best wishes to my predecessor, Chris Green. Chris and I may have disagreed on many points, but I recognise his dedication to the role throughout his time in office. In this week of all weeks, where shocking political violence and polarisation has gripped America, it is only right to acknowledge that the UK has led the way in a smooth transition of power from a Conservative to a Labour government. 

From Horwich to Westhoughton, Hulton to Blackrod, Smithills to Heaton and Lostock, many voters I spoke to on the campaign trail wanted change. I know many constituents voted for me with a real desire for a Labour government in the service of working people. I also acknowledge that many lifelong Conservatives lent me their vote for the first time, and that faith in politicians to deliver has been eroded over the years.

Whether you voted for me or not, I will be your representative in Parliament - working every single day for the next five years to restore trust in politics. I stood to be your Member of Parliament inspired by my parents’ history of public service across our borough – my Dad as a paramedic, my Mum working in Women’s Health at Bolton Hospital for more than 30 years.

It’s that characteristic of public service which drives me every day. Which is why, as your MP, I will have a resolute focus on delivering concrete improvements for you. Action not words, difficult decisions not gimmicks.

With Keir Starmer as Prime Minister, the work to deliver on our manifesto commitments has already begun. Whether it be stabilising the economy, repairing our broken NHS, recruiting the teachers we so desperately need, tackling the cost-of-living crisis, fixing the criminal justice system or securing our borders – there is much to get done.

It is the greatest honour of my life to represent you in Parliament. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you.