A  report demanding Bolton Council cut "gold-plated" spending has been branded “ridiculous” and “insulting.”

This comes after the previous government wrote to councils across the country demanding they reduce "wasteful" or as it was termed in the letter, "gold-plated" spending.

But a council cabinet meeting heard how this had come after years of spending cuts.

Cllr David Grant, of Horwich South and Blackrod, said: “I’m not sure really what this is for but the fact that it felt the need to put the comment on page two ‘you should set out your plan to reduce wasteful or gold plated spend’ is completely ridiculous.

“And it shows no acknowledgement of the massive cuts councils across this country have faced over the years.”

The report was discussed by Bolton Council's cabinetThe report was discussed by Bolton Council's cabinet (Image: Bolton Council)

The productivity plan had been ordered by the last government, with a deadline set for July 19.

The meeting of Bolton Council’s cabinet held on Monday, July 8 gathered to approve the plan but roundly condemned the government’s approach.

This came after the council's most recent budget slashed spending by more than £ 9 million and approved tax rises of more than five per cent. 

Cllr Roger Hayes, of Smithills, said that many of the council members had not been happy with the services they were able to provide “because of the level of cuts.”

Cllr Sean Fielding, cabinet member for adults, health and wellbeing, said that being asked to complete a report like this was “deeply insulting” for boroughs like Bolton.

He said: “There’s plenty of other examples throughout this council where we’ve been made to jump through hoops over the last 14 years to access funding and to justify ourselves.”

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Bolton Council leader Cllr Nick Peel said he believed that the report was based on a “mythical, wasteful expenditure by councils” and “hostile attitudes to local government.”

Cllr Peel said: “I’ve been looking into the purpose of this and can’t really find the purpose other than it was a direct knee-jerk reaction to Michael Gove concerning the local government settlement.”

He added: “It was a case of OK, we’ll give you some more money, but you’ve got to jump through some more hoops.

“It’s a paper filling exercise and I say that in the full knowledge that we all know that local government is one of the most efficient and productive parts of the whole public sector.”