Pupils across five schools and nurseries in Wigan and Bolton raised a hefty £6,114 for The Christie Charity.

Quest Trust’s schools and Playpals nurseries took part in various fundraising efforts over recent months to raise this considerable sum for the charity.

The primary schools got involved in the Christie Bear Spelling Challenge, which exercises the pupils' literacy skills while fundraising.

The Playpals nursery welcomed those with a sweet tooth by hosting a bake sale.

On the other hand, students at the University Collegiate School and Sixth Form, Bolton, took on the '60 for the Christie challenge', partaking in sixty maths challenges.

Marc Doyle, chief executive officer at the Trust said: "The generosity of our pupils and their families know no bounds.

"It's one of the many examples this year of our pupils going above and beyond to support the communities we serve.

"As always, it's a reminder of how lucky I am to work with such caring families."

He added: “Our trust offers a unique service, supporting young people from early years to employment. This wonderful medal is a visual representation of one of our key strategic objectives – all our settings working together to build a united trust. I couldn’t be prouder.”

A charity spokesperson for The Christie said: "We are very grateful to the pupils for choosing to support The Christie Charity in this way.

"Thanks to donations like these, The Christie is able to provide life-changing and lifesaving treatment and care that will benefit cancer patients both now and in the future."

The Christie Charity awarded the Trust the Christie Challenge medal, a symbolic souvenir divided into six parts, each representing a Quest setting that participated in the challenge.