Calls have been made for a playpark to be revamped after its equipment was stripped out and it has been left overgrown and derelict. 

The park, which sits near to St Leonard's Avenue and Barford Grove in the Claypool area of Horwich, has been called an "absolute mess". 

The frames of play equipment such as swings remain, but the actual play equipment itself has been removed, as well as the park having been left overgrown. 

Now, councillors and residents say that it has become a place where motorbikes are ridden, describing it as "dangerous". 

The park sits off St Leonard's Avenue in the Claypool area of HorwichThe park sits off St Leonard's Avenue in the Claypool area of Horwich (Image: Public)

Cllr Ryan Bamforth said: "The park off St Leonard's has had its play equipment removed, now the council have said they are going to put barriers up to stop motorbikes getting on there. 

"What we need is for the park to be refurbished. 

"I've emailed my displeasure - there are other parks which are set to have refurbishments, but I would much rather they repaired the one which is in a worse state. 

"Unfortunately, the people who live nearby don't have a park any more. I think it is important we establish it and get it back up and running." 

The overgrown areaThe overgrown area (Image: Public)

He added: "The frameworks, everything, it all needs ripping out unfortunately. 

"It is an absolute mess."

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Imogen Wakefield, aged 9, said: "I really miss playing on the park. All of the equipment has been taken down so we can't use it. 

"We can't even play in the area that was the park, because of all the nettles." 

Cllr Ryan Bamforth and residents at the parkCllr Ryan Bamforth and residents at the park (Image: Public)

Resident Stacey Postle said: "We have such fond memories as neighbours at the park. Slowly it has been ignored by the council. 

"I and others have flagged this up year after year, via emails and with councillors. Ryan has always been trying for St Leonard's and the estate, but with rogue motorbikes, uncut grass, poor maintenance and excuses, the park is useless and more importantly dangerous in its current state. 

"All we want is what we deserve, a park that the children of the estate can use. 

"If there is money available for this area, our park should be a priority."