A rapist who subjected a teenage girl to an horrific attack has been jailed for life.

Stephen Godridge, 31, from Bolton, arranged to pick up the girl in his car during the winter of last year before taking her to Anfield, Liverpool.

Godridge, who at the time of the offences was subject to a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) and was on the Sex Offenders Register for life for offences committed in 2019, denied the offences.

He was charged, remanded into custody and following a trial at Liverpool Crown Court in May this year he was found guilty of two counts of rape, two counts of assault by penetration and sexual assault.

He was also found guilty of breaching his SHPO.

Today he was sentenced at Liverpool Crown Court to life to serve a minimum of 10 years and eight months in prison.

Detective Sergeant Bob Sandham said: “The actions of Godridge have had a hugely traumatic and long-lasting effect on his victim and her family who have been supported throughout by specially trained officers.

“Godridge denied the offences forcing his victim to endure a trial. Thankfully he was convicted of these offences and will now spend a considerable period of time behind bars.

“I hope that today’s sentencing will bring the girl some sense of justice as she continues to recover.

“I would encourage anyone who has been a victim of a sexual offence to come forward and speak to us. We have a team of dedicated staff who will expertly and compassionately deal with your reports and we will do everything we can to bring offenders to justice.

“We take all such reports extremely seriously, and work with partner organisations such as Victim care Support Service and RASA who are there to support victims every step of the way.”

To report a sexual offence call 101 where you will be spoken to by specially trained officers or you can pass information to Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.