A cordon was put in place and an investigation underway this morning after a man in his 60s suffered head injuries at a bus stop.

The stop on Blackburn Road, near the junction with Waverley Road, in Astley Bridge was taped off just after 6am , with police on the scene.

Passengers were still able to use the stop that's near Turkis Chargrill and The Dutch Fishmen.

The crime tape extended down the pathway.

(Image: NQ)


The North West Ambulance Service said they were called out at 6.40am this morning (July 3) and took the patient to hospital.

His condition is unknown.

Police were called to the scene at 7am.

Police reassured local residents worried after seeing the police tape.

(Image: NQ)

A police officer on scene said: “We don’t suspect any foul play, someone potentially had a fall. 

“The victim is in hospital at the moment. 

“We can assure you there hasn’t been a stabbing, we have had people ask about that. 

He added: “At first we thought it was something serious, but it sounds like it was a fall from what witnesses say."

Police say they are waiting for more information after the man is assessed.