A group promoting global peace and “how to achieve it within” found a willing and ready audience when they came to Bolton.

Hammaad Shafiq and Abdul Samad set up their Seek2Change stall at Bolton Town Hall recently when many townspeople were celebrating Eid Al-Adha.

There they found hundreds of interested people, including Mayor of Bolton Cllr Andy Morgan and many other leading representatives.

Abdul said: “We alternated between ourselves if and when it was required as we wanted to show our utmost respect to those that took an interest in our stand. 

“Our teachings are universal and apply to all, those of faith and those that are not of any faith.”

Hammaad Shafiq and Abdul Samad with Cllr Rabiya JivaHammaad Shafiq and Abdul Samad with Cllr Rabiya Jiva (Image: Seek2Change)

He added: “The approach was all about peace and how to achieve it within.

“These teachings were presented, and the vision of global peace was set out to them of how they could play their role in establishing global peace, by starting with themselves.”

He added: “The message of peace was kept the same with everyone, to establish within yourself first, your family, your community which will then in turn have a snowball effect that will help the whole world.

 Hammaad Shafiq and Abdul Samad of Seek2ChangeHammaad Shafiq and Abdul Samad of Seek2Change (Image: Seek2Change)

“The people understood this component and we were able to talk about the secret to change based upon psychological and scientific research.

“We received tremendous interest, and we received positive feedback from our brothers and sisters of humanity.”

The pair say many of the people who attended responded positively, including Cllr Morgan and his Mayoress Karen Holdsworth who said they would be following Seek2Change’s work.

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They were also approached by Cllr Rabiya Jiva, council cabinet member for stronger communities, who said she was interested in exploring further opportunities.

Abdul said: “One lady started crying when the path to peace and secret of change was being presented.

“She said she feels ‘this is a beautiful message telling her it’s not too late to start again.’”

He added: “A young couple who had been on a ‘spiritual journey’ took a keen interest in this approach to the teachings and signed up to our 30 day mindfulness challenge and were excited to hear about our course that will be launched in the future.”