A budget of up to £100,000s could be used to help improve play areas all around Bolton.

The condition of play areas had been raised at a recent meeting at town hall, in particular areas where play equipment had been damaged or needed repair.

Cllr Jackie Schofield, of Bradshaw, said that she had also noticed differences in whether equipment for disabled children was provided in different areas of Bolton.

She said: “We all know how important the use of outdoor facilities is for all our community, including all aspects and they have to be inclusive.

“I have noticed that there is some inconsistency in the provision of community playgrounds throughout Bolton.

Questions were raised at Bolton Town HallQuestions were raised at Bolton Town Hall (Image: Newsquest)

“Some areas have provision for disabled young people, and some don’t.

“Some parks have damaged equipment which are waiting replacement and repair, and some require modernising to maximise their usage.”

In response council cabinet member for the environment, Cllr Richard Silvester, said that the budget the council had set earlier this year would include funds for play area.

He also that many of the parks already had equipment installed to help disabled children use them and that there were other means available to fund works on facilities like these.

Cllr Silvester said: “A recent survey of 82 play areas owned by this council showed that 62 of its play areas or just over 75 per cent have one or more pieces of equipment which are classed as inclusive.

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“The budget which I am working with is in the region of £1,160,000 of which £700,000 is allocated from the budget in February and £460,350 is identified as section 106 monies.

“Additionally, there is scope for ward councillors around the borough to contribute to it if they wish to do so in identifying improvement schemes at parks and open spaces within their wards.

“And officers will contact area working coordinators with proposals to pass on to ward councillors if they wish to contribute from their area working budget.”

Cllr Silvester said he aimed to make sure that the council environment team would continue making improvements to parks, play areas and open spaces soon.