Traffic lights have been out on a busy junction in Bolton town centre this morning, Friday.

The lights on Trinity Street, just outside Bolton railway station, have not been working, causing confusion to drivers from all directions.

The problem has led to traffic building up in the area.

One witness said: "The traffic lights on the junction were off, you could see drivers were hesitant to cross it.

"It’s a really busy junction so hopefully it gets sorted soon.”

Drivers have been advised to remain vigilant and approach the junction cautiously.

Transport for Greater Manchester has said that the issue has been reported and is set to be fixed.

Traffic lights on Black Horse Street near Morrisons also went out last year.

READ MORE: Motorists warned to take care as traffic lights not working

READ MORE: Traffic lights out on Moor Lane/Ormrod St junction

READ MORE: Traffic lights fail on two roads in town centre

One driver who noticed, said: “There were drivers waiting from all directions not knowing what to do but everyone was acting carefully.

“Hopefully the problem will be fixed soon.”

Lights were also out last year on the junction of Moor Lane and Ormrod Street.

Pictures showed no traffic signals working on the junction, with traffic edging out. 

At around 2.45pm, one passer-by said: "It is such a busy junction and used by pedestrians all the time. Let's hope it gets fixed soon. "