A passport is essential if you are looking to travel abroad.

If yours has expired you will need to apply for a new one - which can be done using a paper form or online.

There is a lot of information that needs to go into a passport application and you will also need to include an updated photo of yourself.

Even if your appearance hasn't changed, you must get a new photo whenever you get a new passport, the UK Government says. 

Now that may sound like the east part, but it is important to remember you can't just use any old selfie, it has to be a passport photo that meets certain criteria.

Sending the wrong photo can delay your application and could result in you missing your holiday.

So if you are wondering where you can get a passport photo and what the rules are when taking one - here's all you need to know.

Where can I get a passport photo?

There are a range of different places you to get a passport photo in the UK.

Supermarkets such as Tesco and Asda have facilities in which you can take passport photos, while Boots also offers a similar service.

You can have a passport photo taken at your local Post Office as well.

Max Spielmann (also known as Max Photo) is a photo printing service chain with 340 stores across the UK - they can also help.

UK Passport renewal guide

These stores should allow you to get printed copies (for paper applications) or digital (for online applications).

If you can't make it to any of these stores and you're applying online, you can take a photo yourself using your own devices - including a mobile phone.

However, the UK Government said: "Photos from a booth or shop are more likely to be approved than a photo taken using your own device."

Whether from a photo booth or your device, all passport photos must meet certain criteria:

Passport photo rules

With both digital and printed passport photos, they need to be taken in the past month.

They must also meet the following criteria, outlined by the Government, or you risk your passport application being delayed.

Digital photos

If you are applying for a passport online you will need to use a digital photo.

When it comes to quality, your digital photo must be:

  • Clear and in focus
  • In colour
  • Unaltered by computer software
  • At least 600 pixels wide and 750 pixels tall
  • At least 50KB and no more than 10MB

Does your passport need renewing?Does your passport need renewing? (Image: PA)

Your photo must also:

  • Contain no other objects or people
  • Be taken against a plain light-coloured background
  • Be in clear contrast to the background
  • Not have ‘red eye’

The UK Government website adds: "If you’re using a photo taken on your own device, include your head, shoulders and upper body. Do not crop your photo - it will be done for you."

The same rule with glasses applies to printed photos (for more details see below).

In your photo, you must:

  • Be facing forward and looking straight at the camera
  • Have a plain expression and your mouth closed
  • Have your eyes open and visible
  • Not have hair in front of your eyes
  • Not have a head covering (unless it’s for religious or medical reasons)
  • Not have anything covering your face
  • Not have any shadows on your face or behind you

The Government website adds: "Do not wear glasses in your photo unless you have to do so.

"If you must wear glasses, they cannot be sunglasses or tinted glasses, and you must make sure your eyes are not covered by the frames or any glare, reflection or shadow."

If you are taking a passport photo of a child, here are a few rules to consider (same rules apply for printed photos):

  • Children must be on their own in the picture
  • Babies must not be holding toys or using dummies
  • Children under six do not have to be looking directly at the camera or have a plain expression
  • Children under one do not have to have their eyes open and you can support their head with your hand (but your hand must not be visible in the photo)
  • Children under one should lie on a plain light-coloured sheet
  • Take the photo from above

Items you can't take in your hand luggage

Printed photos

If you are applying for a passport using a paper form you need to include two identical printed photos.

When it comes to the size of the photos, they must:

  • Measure 45 millimetres (mm) high by 35mm wide (standard size used in UK photo booths)
  • Not be a cut-down version of a larger picture

The image of you - from the crown of your head to your chin - must be between 29mm and 34mm high.

The quality of the printed photos must be: 

  • Of a professional standard
  • Clear and in focus
  • In colour on plain white photographic paper with no border
  • Without any creases or tears
  • Unmarked on both sides (unless a photo needs to be countersigned)
  • Unaltered by computer software

The photo must also:

  • Be a close-up of your full head and upper shoulders
  • Contain no other objects or people
  • Be taken against a plain cream or light grey background
  • Be in clear contrast to the background
  • Not have ‘red eye’


  • Here's how much it costs to renew a UK passport (plus how to apply for it)
  • Find out how long it can take to renew a British passport (it won't take months)
  • Can you still use a burgundy passport for travelling in 2024? Rules to follow

In your photo, you must:

  • Be facing forward and looking straight at the camera
  • Have a plain expression and your mouth closed
  • Have your eyes open and visible
  • Not have hair in front of your eyes
  • Not have a head covering (unless it’s for religious or medical reasons)
  • Not have anything covering your face
  • Not have any shadows on your face or behind you

For more information about applying for a passport visit the UK Government website.