Anyone hiking up Rivington Pike last Saturday may have had to rub their eyes in disbelief after seeing a group of 25 Santas.

Tracey McVey, from Bolton, scaled the pike with her mum Pauline Davies and their friends for Pauline’s 80th birthday, which fell the day before on Friday (June 21).

Pauline wanted to do something different for her landmark birthday and since she had not been able to complete their annual Christmas hike in December, she decided to get everyone together for a "midsummer" Santa hike.

Tracey said: “We usually do it in December but couldn’t get together and mum turned 80 and I asked what she wanted to do, and she said it would be funny if in midsummer we did the hike.

“We asked the walking club and her friends, and it happened, it seemed a bit random and funny.

“It was fantastic and it was cool to do it in Santa outfits.”

Pauline said: "It was a wonderful day doing 'Santa Hike the Pike' along with a great group of family and friends raising money for a deserving cause.

"I couldn't think of a better way to celebrate an 80th birthday.

"Thank you to all who took part or contributed."

Despite turning 80, Pauline is fit and a regular walker up the pike, going every morning for the "breakfast club" at the Pike Shack.

Tracey said: “She is very stoic and amazing, and we were all very impressed she made it up and made it back.

“She walks most mornings and started in lockdown going up to the pike shack and back.

“She really wanted to raise money for Bolton Hospice, and we have done the night walks and had friends gone through there, so it was something we wanted to support as a family.”

The group thought it was hilarious with members of the public stopping frequently to take pictures.

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Tracey said: “It was not as hot as it is now, and you do want nice weather, but you also do not want 26 degrees, so it was cool enough but warm enough to enjoy being out.

“It was hilarious and the milkman from Smithills Farm was in disbelief and helped me put balloons up. But he could not stop laughing and said they would never believe him back at the farm.

“We drew quite a crowd and people were stopping to take pictures of us as well, it was nice.”

Before having a glass of fizz at the top, the group stopped many times to take pictures, and ate cake too.

With a target of just £150, more than £1,100 has been raised.