After almost two years, an Egerton pub has finally re-opened, much to the delight of the local community.

Landlord Tony Laycock, and his wife, Gina, welcomed thirsty customers into the Cross Guns for the first time on Monday evening.

“It was amazing. The turnout was much better than we expected and the beer garden was full,” said a delighted Gina.

“Everyone was really impressed and the feedback was amazing.”

For Gina, who grew up living opposite the pub, it was the realisation of a dream.

“We’ve all been working really hard, especially during the past two weeks, and my heads spinning, but it’s lovely to be back in Egerton.

“We want to get it back to being a pub because before it was more of a restaurant, and we’re looking forward to having an official opening celebratory evening on July 4.”

Gina and Tony are determined the pub will be a welcoming destination for families, young people, old people, locals and visitors to the area – in short, everyone!

No doubt, the fact that it’s one of the oldest pubs in Bolton should prove a big draw, not to mention the aesthetics of the place, which has had extensive refurbishments in recent years.

Although dating back to the 1700s, there’s nothing out of date about the Cross Guns which has a number of large screen televisions.

Customers can choose from a variety of eating and drinking areas in the warren-like building.

The couple have big hopes for the pub and are planning live music, quiz nights and quality home-cooked food.

“It’s important to learn what people want from the pub, and build on that,” said Gina.

One of the first customers earlier this week was Ron Richards, who described the re-opening as “a blessing”.

“It’s been closed for so long so we really needed this. The pub’s a place where you can come and meet people, have a chat – even bring your dog. Communities like ours need at pub at their heart.”