An equestrian field could be granted retrospective permission to become a dog walking and exercise field.

If approved this will allow the stable and premises on Jacks Lane, Westhoughton to be used for dog walking and exercises.

You can see the application for yourself by going to Bolton Council’s planning portal and searching the reference 18422/24.

Other recent planning applications include:

18437/24 Prior notification application for a proposed larger home extension at rear (6M long, 2.9M max height, 2.8M eaves height) on Kingholm Gardens, Bolton, BL1 3DJ.

18432/24 Demolition of existing garage together with two storey extension at side with single storey extension at rear and single storey extension to opposite side on Oak Gates, Egerton, BL7 9TQ.

18430/24 Pruning of two ash, three sycamores and one oak on Thorneyholme Close, Lostock, BL6 4BZ.

18429/24 Certificate of lawful development (s192) for a proposed single storey extension at rear on Dearncamme Close, Bolton, BL2 3FT.

18427/24 Demolition of existing garage together with erection of a single storey extension at rear on Newbrook Road, Bolton, BL5 1EY.

18424/24 Pruning of two Hawthorns on Farleigh Close, Westhoughton, BL5 3ES.

18423/24 Erection of a single storey extension at front together with a first floor extension at rear on Brian Road, Farnworth, BL4 0JD.

18421/24 Retrospective application for the temporary change of use (for a period of five years) for the use of the land as an outdoor inflatables park for the months April to September only, including ancillary car parking on Umbertons Farm, Salford Road, Bolton, BL5 1BP.

18417/24 Erection of a part two storey/part single storey extension at rear together with single storey porch extension at front on Myrrh Walk, Bolton, BL1 8XF.

18413/24 Pruning of a beech tree on Devonshire Road, Bolton, BL1 4PG.

18412/24 Retrospective application for the erection of one dwelling house together with garage on Manor Road, Horwich, BL6 6AR.

18400/24 Siting of greenhouse in garden on Hodgkinsons Farm, Bolton, BL1 5ST.

18416/24 Notice of intention to pruning a willow, maple, conifer, beech hedge with sapling ash on Silverwell Street, Bolton, BL1 1PP.

Applications and plans can be viewed at

People can also check the progress of applications and comment on current applications in the consultation period.

For more public notices, visit The Bolton News daily and online at