Children enjoy being part of a 'caring school' which has a bright future ahead of it after being marked 'good with outstanding features' by Ofsted.

St Gregory's RC Primary School in Farnworth closed in November 2019 just over a year after being placed in special measures for failing to give its pupils an acceptable standard of education.

The school reopened, under the same name, as part of St Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Academy Trust, and it was marked good overall in its first inspection since it relaunched under the new body.

Personal development and early years provision was marked as outstanding

Ofsted inspectors stated: "Pupils enjoy being part of this caring school community.

"Pupils feel happy and safe in school.

"The school has high expectations of what pupils can achieve, including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Pupils live up to these expectations. They listen attentively in lessons and work cooperatively together."

Inspectors found that children at the school 'achieve well', with children in the early years said to 'thrive' and added the youngsters are "exceptionally well prepared for their next steps".

The inspection report stated: "Pupils are proud of their school. They said that teachers want them to be the best versions of themselves. Pupils relish the high-quality experiences that the school provides for them.

"Pupils behave well. They are typically polite and courteous towards each other and to visitors. Staff know pupils well. There is a strong culture of mutual respect."

Inspectors praised the curriculum, with children in the early years described as being 'excited about their learning'.

"Children show increasing levels of independence and are amply prepared for key stage 1," reported inspectors.

Reading is prioritised throughout the school and staff have benefited from intensive training and support .

Ofsted inspectors said: "The school makes sure that any pupils who need extra help receive effective and timely support."

They added: "The school has high expectations for pupils’ behaviour. Pupils respond positively to these. Where pupils struggle to meet the school’s expectations, appropriate help is put in place."

The curriculum for personal, social and health education was described as "exceptionally well designed and expertly delivered".

The enrichment activities were praised at the school as were leadership and management.

Headteacher Kelly Watson said: “We are delighted with this inspection outcome, and that Inspectors witnessed the wonderful work our staff do, and the provision that we provide. We have focussed our work here at St Gregory’s on ensuring our children can become the very best they can be. This outcome will give a real boost to our school and the Catholic community of Farnworth.”

Trust CEO Chris Foley added: “Whilst any inspection can be a nervous time, we were certain that when Ofsted visited, they would find a school that is well led and centred on the pupils. Under the inspiring leadership of Kelly Watson, St Gregory’s has become a beacon of excellence within Farnworth, and its wider community. Ofsted has simply formally recognised what a wonderful and nurturing place St Gregory’s has become.”