Police investigation a horrific robbery in which a elderly woman was dragged to the floor have made an arrest.

Officers say a 33-year-old man is now in custody after they were notified of the robbery which took place on Mornington Road on June 13 at 6.25pm.

Detectives say they believe that a man dragged the woman to the floor and took her handbag containing personal items and money from her.

And added that a" thorough investigation is underway" and "as a result of the enquiries conducted, a 33 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of robbery and remains in police custody for questioning".

Detective Sergeant Carla Deighton from GMP’s Bolton neighbourhood crime team, said:“This was a cowardly crime against an elderly woman. Not only has she sustained physically injuries, this incident has also had a psychological impact on the victim.

“We are supporting her as this case progresses.

“This was great work by our officers who were proactive in detaining the suspect.’’

READ MORE: Appeal after 80-year-old woman robbed at Morrisons cashpoint

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The Bolton News reported earlier this month that an 80-year-old womanwas attacked and robbed at a supermarket cashpoint in Bolton on Thursday.

She was at the cashpoint at Morrisons on Mornington Road at around 6pm.

She felt she was being watched and was attacked by a man and dragged across the floor and left bruised as the attacker stole her bag and other items including her bank card.

The woman got up and saw the man running away.

She has been left too frightened to leave her house as a result.

Her granddaughter Katie Conway made an emotional appeal for information to trace the robber through The Bolton News.