One of Bolton’s famous elephants has been knocked over and now removed.

The installation was found on its side on the ground in Octagon Square on the morning of Monday, June 17.

On Facebook, some residents said they were disgusted by the incident.

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Loreen Wilkinson commented: “Whoever did this needs to be caught, or they will do it again.”

Andrew Hatton wrote: “This is horrid, like many people past n present since I first had to go to Bolton royal infirmary looking at these elephants were a big part of my day out back and even now!?”

Liz Banyard commented: “The country can’t solve the big stuff unless we sort this vandalism and anti social behaviour.

“Appalling. No respect or appreciation.”

Commenter Mick Hodgkinson joked: “Maybe the elephant has come down with Covid.”

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Elephants have featured in the coat of arms of the various Bolton councils since 1799 – with several theories as to their origin.

Earlier this year, two elephants were repaired and reinstalled.

Now on Octagon Square, three brightly-coloured elephants – named Ellie, Elner and Mr Jackbow – were previously based on Newport Street.

The trio were moved in summer 2015 as part of works to improve the street.

Bolton Council has been contacted for comment.

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