Two people from Bolton have been banned from the roads for being above the drink drive limit.

Arbaz Arif attempted to drive a Toyota Yaris on Higher Swan Lane, Great Lever, while under the influence last month.

The 27-year-old was breathalysed and found to have 86 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.

The legal limit is 35.

He was accused of drink driving at Wigan and Magistrates Court but this was dropped and Arif admitted attempting to drive above the limit.

Arif, from Bridgeman Street, Great Lever, Bolton, was fined £392 and banned from the roads for 40 months.

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Tom Bleasdale drove a BMW on East Lancashire Road and Stonebridge Lane, Liverpool, last month while over the limit.

The 28-year-old was breathalysed and found to have 55 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath.

He admitted the offence at Liverpool and Knowsley Magistrates Court.

Following this Bleasdale, from Longworth Road, Horwich, Bolton, was banned from the roads for a period of a year.

He was offered the chance to reduce this to nine months if he completes a court.

He was also fined £632 with his guilty plea taken into account by the court when sentencing him.