Bolton Council went around £15 million over its budget for children's services in the last year according to a report.

The staggering sum is around 30 per cent above the £50 million set aside for these services in the year up to April 1.

According to a report for consideration by the cabinet member Martin Donaghy last week, the reason the council went around £15 million over its budget for children's services was a combination of an increase in cost of services and an increase in demand for services, in particular in terms of placements for children in care. 

The costs were covered by a combination of contingencies set aside for issues like inflation, as well as other reserves, but the cabinet member Cllr Donaghy called for action from whoever wins at the general election next month to address a situation he called "unsustainable".

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Cllr Donaghy said: "Whoever wins at the general election there has to be a better funding formula for adult services and children's services. We cannot go on like this. 

"We are up to 60 per cent of the budget being for adult services and children's services and there will come a time when the taxpayer will say 'Why am I paying tax?'

"It is not unique to us, it is across the board, but the plea I would make and the rest of my colleagues would make is to say to whatever government you really, really need to look at it with urgency because we cannot go on like this. 

"It is unsustainable."

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Separately, the council went around two million pounds over its budget for adult services.

This smaller sum is around 2.5 per cent above the £75 million set aside for these services.

Lisa Butcher, the council's Head of Finance, told Cllr Donaghy: "We are in a position where we are trying to keep a balanced budget and we are putting things in place as a department.

"We try to manage as much of the overspend as possible but it is correct the cost is rising."

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.