A nursery which is described as having a "caring and warm environment" has been praised after an inspection by the education watchdog.

Hocus Pocus Day Nursery on Radcliffe Road in Haulgh received the rating of "good" after an Ofsted inspection on April 10.

The nursery has been rated good for overall effectiveness, and good for all four areas of inspection including the quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.

In the report, Ofsted inspector Joanne Buckley, said: “Staff form positive relationships with children.

“They provide a nurturing environment where children feel confident to express themselves.

“Children settle quickly and are happy to attend. Parents describe the nursery as a 'caring and warm environment'.

“All children feel safe and secure.”

The report, published on Tuesday, June 11, praised the nursery’s commitment to teaching children.

It states: “Staff implement an effective key-person system. They know the children well and use their knowledge of the children to help them progress in their development.

“Staff form strong and loving relationships with the children. Older babies run excitedly into their key-person's arms for a cuddle.

“Children are secure in the nurturing environment the staff have created for them.

“Parents speak highly of the warm and friendly staff.

“They are provided with a variety of opportunities to attend the setting, such as stay-and-play sessions and parents' evenings.

“Staff use a range of methods to ensure that they communicate effectively with parents about their children's care and education.

“The manager has devised a curriculum that builds on what children already know and can do. Overall, staff implement the intended curriculum well.”

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It also commended the work the day nursery is doing for children with special educational needs.

The report added: “The special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) and her assistant are passionate about giving children the best start.

“Tailored programmes are developed to help children get the support they require. For example, the SENCo works closely with parents and other professionals to plan bespoke targets for children.

“Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) make optimum progress from their starting points.”

The Ofsted report also shared ways in which the nursery could improve.

It said: “To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should strengthen the curriculum for communication and language so that staff have a clear vision of how to implement it effectively.

“Strengthen professional development opportunities for staff, to help them focus more precisely on learning intentions.”

Victoria Whitty, nursery manager at Hocus Pocus Day Nursery, said: "We are beyond thrilled to share that Hocus Pocus has received another fantastic Ofsted report, marking 18 consecutive years of maintaining our good status.

“Ofsted highlighted our exceptional leadership, high-quality teaching, and the inclusive, nurturing environment we provide for all our children.

“This incredible achievement wouldn't be possible without the dedication and hard work of our entire HP family.

“Thank you for your continuous support and commitment. Here's to many more years of excellence.”

The nursery is open from Monday to Friday, all year round. Sessions are from 7.30am to 6pm.

The nursery provides funded early education for two, three and four-year-old children.

If you have a story or something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at chloe.wilson@newsquest.co.uk or DM me on X @chloewjourno.