A man launched an "unprovoked attack" against a dad - leaving him having to have metal plates fitted in his face - after a dispute broke out when the victim asked to share a taxi.

Jamie Henry viciously assaulted the man in the early hours of April 10, 2022, on Bury Road in Breightmet.

Henry, 34, of Silver Street, Irlam, was sentenced at Bolton Crown Court on Friday, June 14, after pleading guilty to assault occasioning grievous bodily harm. 

Prosecuting, Mark Kellett said: "On April 10, 2022, the victim was with his girlfriend in local bars and pubs going for a drink

"They had consumed alcohol but weren't drunk, and ended up in Henighans on Bury Road until 1am." 

The pair left the pub and walked towards the girlfriend's home, when they saw a taxi parked at a nearby garage. 

Mr Kellett added: "They asked if they could take the taxi home, but he (the driver) said he had a fare. 

"He tried a different approach and asked the passengers if they could share it, asking for a quick lift and that they would contribute towards the fare. 

"The occupants were the defendant and a female. The female said 'f*** off', he said 'no problem we don't want to cause any issue'. 

"The defendant didn't engage." 

The victim and his girlfriend continued down the road for around 100 metres before the defendant approached them. 

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Mr Kellett said: "He said 'who are you, calling my girlfriend a dog'. The victim replied that he didn't know what he was talking about, then the defendant threw punches at him. 

"He felt instant pain and shock, and ran across the road to the front garden of a terraced house to escape him. 

"He was punched four to five times extremely hard, and when he was in the garden he could hear his girlfriend and others trying to calm matters down." 

Police were called and the victim was taken to hospital, where a scan found he had four facial fractures. He also had a black eye, a nosebleed to both nostrils and a laceration to his right eyelid. 

The court heard Henry had 11 convictions for 19 offences, including harassment and battery. 

The victim read out his personal statement in court.

He said: "It has had a lasting impact on me in multiple ways and has changed my life. 

"I used to be outgoing and confident, now I am anxious in public places. In having been friendly and asking to share a taxi, I was assaulted in an unprovoked attack." 

He highlighted how he has lost feeling in part of his face because of the attack and had to have metal plates put in. 

He also told of how he had to hide from his children for a month afterwards as he did not want to scare them. 

Defending, Andrew Nuttall said: "His best point is his remorse, you can see with the pre-sentence report that the probation officer has said that he is exceptionally apologetic for the harm caused to the victim and his girlfriend. 

"I have no reason to believe Mr Henry as not presenting as exceptionally genuine, in his disgust at himself and his behaviour." 

Mr Nuttall said that, at the time, Henry believed himself to be suffering with bowel cancer and was "drinking to excess repeatedly to try and drive this from his mind". 

His partner's testimony was also highlighted, saying that there had been a "change in him for the better" since the attack. 

Concluding, Recorder Philip Grundy said: "For reasons better known to yourself, you saw red and the red mist fell down over you and you punched (the victim) multiple times. 

"You ruined the last two years of his life and he will always be reminded of what you did to him." 

He acknowledged, however, the testimony of his current boss, saying: "The man he works with and the customers see is not the man you were on this night." 

He also cited the "heart-rending" testimony of Henry's partner. 

Recorder Grundy sentenced him to 12 months imprisonment, suspended for two years. 

He also ordered him to pay £10,000 in compensation to the victim.