The council is to receive almost £400,000 to make improvements to a junction after a deal with the developer of Logistics North.

The six-figure sum is related to the approval of planning permission for the logistics park in Over Hulton more than a decade ago.

Applicant Harworth Group agreed to Section 106 agreements requiring it to make improvements to two junctions in Bolton – Four Lane Ends and the junction of Plodder Lane/Watergate Lane in Over Hulton – as well as one junction in Salford – the junction of Cleggs Lane and Manchester Road in Little Hulton. The work to Four Lane Ends is done but the work to the other junctions is in the design stage.

Recently Harworth Group asked to amend the Section 106 agreements allowing it to the cover the cost of the work at Plodder Lane/Watergate Lane and Cleggs Lane/Manchester Road rather than carrying out the work itself.

After the council approved its amendment when its planning committee met at the town hall this week, the council is to receive a total of £394,894.18 to take on an alternative scheme which is more appropriate for active travel.

ALSO READ: Bolton: Bid to build student accommodation on Thynne Street.

A report to the planning committee said: "Since Logistics North has been occupied it has been noted the Plodder Lane/Watergate Lane junction is operating at a vehicular capacity less than predicted at the time the planning application was assessed.

"Therefore, an increase in the vehicular capacity of this junction is no longer necessary to accommodate Logistics North's traffic. Indeed, such an improvement is no longer necessary, and therefore it fails one of the tests as a Section 106 requirement."

(Image: Google)

The alternative scheme which is more appropriate for active travel includes a new cycleway on Plodder Lane, a new footway on Watergate Lane, the widening of lanes and the updating of markings.

David Chadwick, a councillor for Westhoughton South, asked the planning officer David Forshaw if it is possible to improve the junction in a way which improves the flow of traffic at the same time.

ALSO READ: Bolton: HMO plan cannot progress after appeal on Rawson Road.

Cllr Chadwick said: "There is an opportunity to try to improve the flow of traffic. I used to work at the hospital and it was a pain to get to the hospital so anything we can do to improve the flow of traffic is important.

"We should think about it because it seems to me to be nonsensical. There is no point in doing half a job."

Mr Forshaw said: "The scheme is designed in a certain way but it could be designed in a different way.

"If there is a design able to achieve what you're saying for the money then I'm sure they'll look into it."

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.