A woman has voiced her "heartbreak" after the grass at the cemetery where her parents and brother are buried has not been cut. 

Tracy Wolfendale's family members are buried at Tonge Cemetery in Bolton

She likes to look after their graves, putting new decorations down each year to pay respect to the family she has lost. 

However, upon visiting their graves on Sunday, June 9, she found herself "heartbroken" at the condition they were in. 

Tracy WolfendaleTracy Wolfendale (Image: Public)

Tracy said: "My brother and my mum and dad are in there, we maintain them every year. 

"When I went on Sunday to visit for my mum's birthday, I was heartbroken.

"When they do the grass, they mow it but don't put a grass box on so the cuttings go all over the graves. 

"I was really, really annoyed when I got there. We couldn't even see my brother's grave when we got there, the grass was four feet high. 

"I had a pair of scissors in the car, so decided to use those to cut the grass." 

Her parents' graveHer parents' grave (Image: Public)

Tracy added: "I work for highways at Trafford Council, our grass cutters are out there all the time when spring/summer comes around. 

"I complained to the council and got a reply saying it was due to staff shortages, holidays, sickness and operational issues, and so they have had nobody to do it. 

Read more: Son's upset and anger at state of cemetery after grass cuttings strewn over graves 

Read more: Sadness as overgrown grass covers headstones in cemetery - what the council say 

Read more: More upset over state of Bolton cemeteries as they become overgrown

"They said they would hopefully be able to get someone out there next week." 

Tracy, of Westhoughton, added: "Every month we maintain the graves. In the summer months we do it up, take the stones off and put new ones on. 

Her brother's graveHer brother's grave (Image: Public)

"My mum and dad would be mortified if they knew their grave was in this state. My brother was 16 when he died, he would now be 60 so that is how long we have been looking after his grave. 

"It just upsets me so much. 

"I even bought a battery-operated strimmer to keep in the car so I don't have to see that." 

In response, a council spokesperson said: “Due to staff absences and some other operational difficulties, there has been an unavoidable delay on starting the grass cutting in cemeteries this year.

“We are pleased to say, however, that a new team started work with us in May and over the next few weeks will be working their way around all the cemeteries in the borough to ensure the grass is cut back and then maintained appropriately throughout the summer.”