A new centre has been launched in Bolton specialising in artificial intelligence development and research.

The Centre of Intelligence of Things was launched at the University of Bolton as part of the “Next Generation Artificial Intelligence” conference at the Deane Road based University of Bolton.

The event was opened by university president and vice chancellor Professor George E Holmes DL DSc.

He said: “This is very important to the University.

“In terms of learning, health and commercial use, AI has enormous potential and we as a University want to be at the cutting edge of that potential which is why I am supporting this particular initiative.”

Mayor of Bolton Cllr Andy Morgan opening the centreMayor of Bolton Cllr Andy Morgan opening the centre (Image: University of Bolton)

The new centre was opened by Mayor of Bolton Cllr Andy Morgan, while the conference event gave attendees the chance to hear a range of speeches.

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As well as the launch, the conference agenda included speeches by industry experts, panel discussions on emerging trends and challenges in AI and networking sessions.

Centre of Intelligence of Thigs head Dr Celestone Iwendi said: “It was an excellent event and I would like to thank everyone who contributed to making it such a great success.

“We are very excited about the work we will be doing at the Centre to ensure that the University of Bolton remains at the cutting edge of AI development.”