The mayor of Bolton has revived a proud local tradition by appointing the first Mayor’s Cadet in more than 20 years.

Marine Cadet Corporal Murphy Hall will take on the ceremonial position to assist the mayor, Cllr Andy Morgan, during formal civic events, ceremonies and public functions.

And to mark the special appointment, the mayor visited the Bolton Sea Cadets on Castle Street to officially present the Mayor’s Cadet award, scroll and uniform badge.

Appointed for one year, the role of the Mayor’s Cadet is filled by a young member of Bolton’s Army Cadet Force, Air Training Corps or Sea Cadets Corps.

The position symbolises the support and involvement of young people in civic duties and provides a visible link between the council and Bolton’s youth.

The mayor received nominations from all the Cadets Forces, and selection is recognition of a cadet’s dedication, leadership skills and commitment to their community.

Cllr Morgan, said: “As the Mayor of Bolton, you have the privilege to nominate a ceremonial Mayor’s Cadet for your term of office if you so wish.

“I was aware that this had not been done for over 20 years and as a veteran I decided that I would like to reintroduce this honorary position for my Mayoral Year.

“I know Murphy will be a great asset to the Mayoral Party and an absolute credit to our town and borough.”

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The first duty of the new Mayor’s Cadet was to attend last Thursday’s 80th D-Day commemoration service at Bolton Parish Church.

Corporal Hall lit Bolton’s official beacon at the top of the Parish Church tower.

Similar beacons across the country were simultaneously lit at 9.15pm to mark the anniversary of the D-Day landings.

Marine Corporal Murphy Hall said: “Selection to be the Mayor of Bolton’s Cadet came as quite a surprise.

“I was in complete shock and awe of the situation on finding out.

“To be the mayor's cadet is an honour and I will endeavour to live up to expectations and give my all to this prestigious role.

“I believe I am the first Mayor's Cadet in a very long time in Bolton, so I hope to set a high standard as a precedent for future cadets who will follow me being trusted with this fantastic opportunity.”

A Bolton Sea Cadet Unit spokesperson said: “Bolton Sea Cadets are incredibly proud to have Cadet Corporal Murphy Hall receive the honour of being the first Bolton Mayors Cadet in over 20 years.

“Murphy is an excellent cadet who demonstrates all our values, and we are sure he will do himself and the unit proud throughout his time as Mayor's Cadet.”

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