Residents are invited to go to Bolton Library and Museum Services to celebrate a festival this week.

More than 130 libraries across Greater Manchester will be celebrating the Festival of Libraries, including Bolton Library, who will be hosting an array of activities for people to take part in.

From Wednesday, June 12 to Sunday, June 16, there will be a mix of events taking place at the library.

The first event on Wednesday is Inspired by Libraries with Maxine Peake.

Join Bolton Central Library for a special event with Bolton's own Maxine Peake from 1pm.

Known for her roles in Three Girls, Black Mirror, and Silk, Maxine will talk about her life and work.

Book tickets for this event here:

On Friday, June 14, there will be baby photo sessions with Tim Simpson.

There will be two events at Bolton Central Library, one between 10am and 11am and one between 11am and 12pm.

Capture precious moments with your little one during the Baby Photo Sessions with esteemed photographer Tim Simpson.

Each ticket includes one printed image, with additional options available.

Tickets are priced at £5 each and can be booked here:

Read more top stories here:

On Saturday, June 15 between 11am and 3pm there will be a Graphic Novel Celebration Day at Bolton Central Library.

Dive into the world of graphic novels with workshops, exhibitions, quizzes, and more.

Whether you are an aspiring artist or a comic enthusiast, there’s something for everyone.

There will be a create a graphic novel workshop for teenagers with Adam Pryce. This is a free event, but booking is required here:

On the same day there will be an art bubble exhibition, discovering Danish comics history and contemporary artists, a graphic novel quiz with the chance to win a goodie bag, a green screen experience between 10am and 11am, and a comic book swap between 1pm and 3pm.

On Saturday, June 15 between 10.30am and 12.30pm and 1.30pm and 2.30pm there will be a LEGOXplorers Build and Code Session.

Join Bolton Central Library for an exciting LEGO build and code session, build and program mini machines, including race cars, and compete in a race.

Tickets are £2.50 and can be booked here:

If you have a story or something you would like to highlight in the community, please email me at or DM me on X @chloewjourno.