A heavy police presence was reported overnight on a Bolton street after what is believed to be a “very serious incident.”

Police cars and an ambulance were first spotted on Bromwich Street, The Haulgh at around 7.50pm on Friday, June 7.

The exact nature of the incident is not yet known but eyewitnesses reported seeing officers in the area at around 1.30am on Saturday morning, with a CSI van later spotted on Bradford Street.

Bolton Council cabinet member for stronger communities Cllr Rabiya Jiva said: "This is clearly a very serious incident and firstly my thoughts go out to anyone who may have been affected.

"I know the whole community will be concerned about this, so the most important thing is to let the police and emergency services do their jobs and if you have any information to help them any way you can.

"The safety and wellbeing of our community is the most important thing so if you know anything please come forward and help the emergency services."

Cllr Jiva, whose role includes policing and public safety, said she hoped more details would be available soon.

The emergency services, which included police cars, an NHS vehicle and an air ambulance are believed to have been working at the scene through the night.

When the incident was first reported on Friday evening, at least three police vans, two police cars and an air ambulance vehicle could be seen on Bromwich Street.

A witness said that he saw four police cars parked in the area at around 1.30am and said he believed someone may have been hurt.

By around 3pm on Saturday afternoon the scene had been cleared but the remains of police tape could be seen around the Bromwich Street area.

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Bolton Council environmental services officers were on the scene nearby at the time clearing up a nearby alleyway.

Greater Manchester Police have been approached for comment.

Anyone with any further information can call police on 101 or 999 in the event of an emergency.

Alternatively, witnesses can call independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.