"O hear us when we cry to thee
For those in peril on the sea."

It was with these words by the writer William Whiting the service for D-Day's 80th anniversary started at Bolton Parish Church yesterday. 

All assembled to remember those who risked the peril not only of the sea but of the skies and of the shores of Normandy on June 6, 1944.

(Image: Julie Lomax)

Among those in attendance were ex-servicemen and ex-servicewomen, air cadets, sea cadets, children from several schools, councillors from across the political spectrum, the Mayor of Bolton Andy Morgan and His Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester Diane Hawkins.

Revd Ian Hepburn, Revd Grace Gaze and Revd Canon Michael Williams took them through prayers, psalms and songs of remembrance.

(Image: Julie Lomax)

Revd Hepburn said: "Today we record our thanks for what was achieved by all those involved in the operation. Remembering their sacrifice we remind ourselves to strive for peace."

Canon Williams told of his time as the chaplain to the Bolton and District Normandy Veterans Association, none of whom are thought to be left living, after the passing of David Teacher aged 100 two weeks ago.

(Image: Public)

The Lord Lieutenant Mrs Hawkins took a wreath to the Bolton and District Normandy Veterans Association memorial in the north aisle of the Parish Church after a rendition of the Last Post and the Reveille.

Canon Williams said: "We thank them because they played a part in bringing the war to an end and in their attitude to the enemy they respected Jesus's bidding to love thine enemy."

(Image: Public)

The indoor part of the service came to a close with music by the children of Archbishop Temple CE Multi-Academy Trust, the trust of Bishop Bridgeman Primary School, St James Primary School and St Maxentius Primary School. There was also music by Bolton Caledonia Band and Bolton Hoover Band.

The outdoor part of the service concluded as The Mayor of Bolton Cllr Morgan took a wreath to the Normandy Oak outside the Parish Church while the Mayor's Cadet, Cadet Corporal Murphy Hall, lit a beacon on top of the Parish Church at the same time as others lit other beacons across the country.

This article was written by Jack Tooth. To contact him, email jack.tooth@newsquest.co.uk or follow @JTRTooth on Twitter.