Police say they are “truly sorry” to a man who was jailed for 17 years for a rape he did not commit.

Andrew Malkinson was jailed nearly 20 years ago after being wrongly convicted of raping a woman from Kearsley in Little Hulton in 2003 before he was finally freed in 2020.

He was cleared by the Court of Appeal last year and Greater Manchester Police have now issued a statement ahead of the broadcasting of a BBC documentary on his case.

Assistant Chief Constable Sarah Jackson said: “We remain truly sorry that Mr Malkinson has been the victim of such a grave miscarriage of justice due to the failures of our original investigation.

“We have publicly and directly apologised to both Mr Malkinson and the victim for the mistakes that have already been identified.

Andrew Malkinson's conviction was quashed last yearAndrew Malkinson's conviction was quashed last year (Image: PA)

“The matters raised with the BBC documentary are part of the ongoing enquiry that we are fully cooperating with.

“It is beyond doubt that Mr Malkinson did not commit this horrific crime.

“Our ongoing investigation is committed to ensuring that the true perpetrator is put behind bars so that the victim and all involved can finally have some sense of justice after this awful ordeal.”

Since Mr Malkinson’s conviction was quashed by the Court of Appeal last year, an inquiry chaired by Her Honour Judge Sarah Munro KC has been set to examine his case.

The inquiry will look at the course of events from the crime itself in 2003 to the point when Mr Malkinson was exonerated by the Court of Appeal.

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It will also examine the decisions made and actions taken by various people and agencies involved in the case.

These will include Greater Manchester Police, the Crown Prosecution Service and the Criminal Cases Review Commission.

Once completed the inquiry will report to the Lord Chancellor.

GMP have already said that they will cooperate fully with the inquiry and have now also said that they have recently passed a file to the CPS in relation to a suspect for the rape in 2003.

The Wrong Man: 17 Years Behind Bars will air on BBC2 on Friday June 6.