Concerns have been raised over the condition of a Bolton cemetery. 

The upkeep cemeteries across Bolton has come under fire in recent months, with visitors complaining of their unkemptness, such as overgrown grass

Now, complaints have also been raised about Astley Bridge Cemetery. 

Ward councillor Hilary Fairclough has highlighted the lack of landscaping, with grass not being cut, and a broken entrance gate. 

She says residents have also highlighted the state of the cemetery to her. 

Overgrown grass in Astley Bridge CemeteryOvergrown grass in Astley Bridge Cemetery (Image: Public)

Cllr Fairclough said: "We had the cemetery chapel redone with the 'stained glass', that was really successful and popular. 

"Lots of things, as you go through the gates, which are in a sorry state, it is broken, having fallen on the floor. 

"I asked if it could be repaired in October and we are here in June and it is still not done. 

"I asked for the gates to be shut at 8pm to deter rough sleepers and to prevent antisocial behaviour, it happened for two weeks but now they are not doing it again." 

She added: "This has been an issue, most of the cemetery's grass is not being cut, and they have started to catch up. 

Overgrown shrubberyOvergrown shrubbery (Image: Public)

"But our cemeteries are not good. There are reasons for it, a lot have very old graves that are no longer looked after by families, as they may no longer be around. 

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Read more: Sadness as overgrown grass covers headstones in cemetery - what the council say

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"But they are still graves, we can't toss them aside. 

"I went out to take photographs of war graves and found myself inadvertently walking on graves because they had grassed over." 

Overgrown shrubberyOvergrown shrubbery (Image: Public)

Cllr Fairclough added: "As an ex-hairdresser, it looks like been cut with a knife and fork. 

"When you look at war graves and cemeteries in other countries, they have so much more respect. 

"Astley Bridge is a working cemetery, they have funerals happening all the time and you look at it and think what a shabby place. 

"It is incredibly distressing for family members to go in and see it in such a shabby, neglected state." 

Astley Bridge CemeteryAstley Bridge Cemetery (Image: Google Maps)

She added: "I know that money is tight, but we have got things like community payback.  

"It needs to be a respectful place." 

Shelley Masters said: "(They) do not keep up maintenance around the graves. 

"It’s absolutely disgusting, it is overgrown around my mum's plot and everyone else's loved ones.

"It's out of order when you pay a lot of money for them to not stay on top of the upkeep of the graveyard."