Franklin is living the 'purr-fect' life, taking in pubs, takeaways, visiting houses, schools and even a spa!

He can be seen prowling the streets of Bromley Cross making friends everywhere he goes, with people falling for his charm - and is a hit on social media with more than 1,000 followers.

Franklin, a one-year-old Ragdoll cat, belongs to Jess Bolton and her three girls, Bella, Annie and Matilda in Bromley Cross.

The Bolton News: Franklin post office topper

The white-haired cat is known as the ‘village cat’ as he travels the neighbourhood, going into people’s homes, visiting Turton School, Sainsbury's, Co-op, Amigos Takeaway, and plenty of pubs.

The Last Drop Village Spa and Hotel is one of his favourite places to visit, as well as the school Annie and Matilda attend, Eagley Juniors.

The Bolton News: Franklin the cat

Jess said: “He started walking Annie and Matilda to school every day and then he’d follow me back.

“The mums thought it was hilarious that this cat was walking them to school.

“He knew the routine and the new headteacher put him in the school newsletter. “


Jess said: “Everyone became fond of him, my sister created him a Facebook page and now I’ve had people knock my door to meet him.

“He has been to the Last Drop Village Hotel & Spa, Co-Op, The Sportsman in Bromley Cross and people even drop him off to the house afterwards.

“You just couldn’t make it up, he’s just a human in a cat’s body.


“He waits for assembly for my daughter and when they have forestry class, he goes looking for her on the playground, and the school love him.”

“Franklin also visits Turton School and goes to the canteen, and he goes to Bakers a lot.”

People say they are escorted home by Franklin on occasion.

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Recently, Jess and her partner were enjoying a meal at the Thomas Egerton pub, when Franklin jumped on the table, as he is also a regular at that pub.

Franklin has an air tag on so that Jess can track him on his travels.

Jess said: “All the staff at the Last Drop Village love him, but I think for health and safety he cannot be in there, but he goes in anyway.

“He just wanders in like he owns the place.”

Franklin has his own post-box topper outside The Masons.