An author with thousands of fans has set his dad on the same career path says writing runs in the family.

When Bolton author Daniel Hurst began to self-publish psychological thrillers in his spare time during coronavirus, he never dreamed that he would go on to sign a publishing deal and become a bestselling author -  or that his dad Mark Hurst would follow in his footsteps.

Daniel an international sensation has now inspired his dad to put pen to paper.

Daniel, a former Turton High School pupils, said: “Originally, I just wanted to get my stories out to readers as quickly as possible and see if they enjoyed them.

“I saw self-publishing as a great opportunity to directly engage with readers and build a fanbase.”

The Bolton News: David Hurst

To Daniel’s amazement, his writing attracted thousands of fans and by 2021 he was able to quit his day job and become a full-time author.

Shortly after, he also attracted the attention of commercial fiction mega-giant Bookouture, and in 2022 he signed a two-book deal with the team.

The partnership went on to publish Daniel’s chart-topping bestseller, The Doctor’s Wife, and have since gone on to publish a further six books together which have been translated into multiple languages.

The success and joy Daniel found with his writing has since inspired his dad, Mark, who after a life-long career in construction decided to pick up the pen and write.

He said: “I'd regularly talk about my writing with my dad, and we'd often discuss and come up with story ideas while on a walk or in a pub.

“So, one day I told him he should give self-publishing a go too and I have been impressed with what he has been able to do in such a short time.

“I now see that I get my writing gene from him.”

The Bolton News: Mark Hurst

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The highlight for Daniel was when his book The Doctor's Wife reached number one in the UK Kindle Store in 2023.

He said: “It was only in my thirties that I started actively pursuing it and I became a full-time author in 2021.

“He started publishing in 2023 and has three books published.

“It's great fun to have a shared career as we can discuss story ideas together as well as attend various book events around the country and the world. “