A police helicopter was scrambled to help detain a Bolton driver who sped away from the officers.

Dane Blears was spotted by police in a Vauxhall Astra.

Bolton Magistrates Court heard he was seen going at 40pmh in a 30pm zone on St George’s Road in the town centre at around 10pm on November 26 last year.

Police decided to follow the vehicle.

Blears then went across a roundabout and sped up to 65mph.

When he headed onto Gaskell Street he hit 70pmh.

Ann Deakin, prosecuting, said: “The police helicopter had to be called.

“He made off into a wooded area.

“He has driven at speeds of 70mph in a highly residential area.”

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Blears was eventually detained and at court the 23-year-old admitted dangerous driving and also driving without a licence or insurance.

The prosecutor said the case should be sent to the crown court for Blears to be sentenced.

Adam Whittaker, defending, said: “The defendant is not interviewed.

“He is charged and enters a guilty plea.

“He has anxiety and a disorder which is similar to ADHD.

“He has a provisional licence and no insurance.”

Chair of the bench Joanne Halliday said: “We are going to order a report.

“You will appear at Bolton Crown Court to be sentenced.

“You are not going to be dealt with today.

“This is too serious to be dealt with by the magistrates court.

“From today you are on an interim ban from driving.

“You have pleaded guilty to dangerous driving.

“You are therefore banned from driving from today.”

Blears, from Ralph Street, Halliwell, will be sentenced in July.