A Bolton man attacked a police officer after admitting he “deserved to be banned” from driving.

But Maruf Patel’s defence team alleged this took place after he had in fact been struck an officer.

Police came across an Audi in the town being driven by Patel.

Bolton Magistrates Court heard officers requested that he stop but he went on to crash into  two parked cars.

When an officer spoke to him he said “I am drunk, I deserve to be banned.”

Ann Deakin, prosecuting said: “The defendant then became aggressive and started swearing.

“He elbowed the officer and struck his leg, he then grabbed his video camera which was damaged.

“The officer then fought to put the defendant inside the car and waited for further officers to arrive.

“Initially the defendant provided a sample of breach which was over the limit.

“He was then asked to provide a sample but refused to do so.”

Patel previously pleaded guilty to, failure to provide a sample, assault on an emergency worker, driving without insurance careless driving.

The 35-year-old returned to court to be sentenced for the offences which took place in September 2022.

Kyle Kent, defending, said there was more to the incident: “He says he was grabbed and manhandled by police while he is being arrested.

“‘There is some body worn footage in the midst of that, he says ‘why are you punching me’ etc.

“The defendant says he should not have lost control.

“He has got significant bruising on his face which suggests he was struck or punched.”

Mr Kent added: “He made five attempts to provide a sample.”

Chair of the bench Joanne Halliday imposed a community order to last for a year.

She ordered him to do ten rehabilitation activity requirement days and to undertake 250 hours of unpaid work.

She also banned Patel, from The Sheddings, Great Lever, from the roads for a period of two years.