Local residents say they are fed by with the noise and disruption coming from a local business.

Mansell Building Solutions is currently in a planning dispute over the use of its site on Crown Lane in Horwich.

The local authority stated the business was causing “unacceptable noise” and rejected retrospective plans for the business to be used for industrial purposes.

Now the business has launched an appeal against this with the planning inspectorate making a final decision.

Mansell Building Solutions said it would work with the council to overcome the issues.

But nearby residents say the operation is having an impact on their quality of life.

Ward councillor David Grant said: “There has been a business here for years but before this there have never been complaints from residents.

“I met with Angela Mansell after it opened.

“She said there would be one or two stacks and they would be in and out the same day but there are lots.

“She also said they would move to electric vehicles but they are still using diesel ones."The Bolton News: Stacks at the building site

Retired Keith Johnson, 71, who lives nearby said: “The problem is the noise.

“It is from the morning until night.

“It stops me from getting out into my garden and relaxing.

“I am retired and I want to get out into the garden as we have just have the conservatory done, we can’t sit there.

“It is not like a constant noise like a motorway which you can zone out from, you never know when a big drop is coming.”

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Another woman, who asked not to be named, said: “I work from home and on my days off I can’t stay at the house.

“Sustained exposure to excessive and impulsive noise puts people on edge."

 A Mansell Building Solutions spokesperson said: "Mansell abides by operating times dictated by planning covenants which are 8am-6.30pm.

"Some staff may arrive early to start their shift promptly and so low-level noise, such as shutters opening, may be heard pre-8am, however operations rarely, if ever, go past 4pm.

"Angela has met with David Grant, a councillor who lives very near to the site and who is now also a member of the planning committee at Bolton Council.  

"Rather than promise that no stock would be left on site, Angela advised during the conversation that Mansell operates to ‘just in time’ deliveries so materials are produced and then sent to site as dictated by customers.

"Any project delays are out of Mansell’s control."

"With regards to the electric vehicles query, Mansell has looked into this and hasn’t made the switch as there are no suitable vehicles available to buy or lease able to meet Mansell’s requirements."