A man was arrested last night after police say they caught him in a parked car with bags full of what they suspect is heroin.

Officers say they came across the parked car on Egyptian Street, Halliwell while on patrol on the evening of Tuesday, May 28.

They say that a man ran off but on searching the car they came across a second man along with several bags of what is thought to be heroin and cannabis.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesperson said: “Last night, whilst on mobile patrol in Halliwell, officers noticed a vehicle parked on Egyptian Street.

“Upon Police arrival, one male made off from the vehicle.

“A second male was detained and was searched under Section 23 Misuse of Drugs Act. The vehicle was also searched and officers seized in excess of 50 snap bags of cannabis and 20 snap bags containing brown powder, suspected to be heroin.

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“As a result, one male was arrested on suspicion of possession with intent to supply Class A and possession with intent to supply Class B.

“He remains in custody for questioning.

“Enquiries are ongoing to locate the second male.”

Anyone with any further information or concerns can call police on 101 or 999 in the event of an emergency.