A children's inflatable playground is scheduled to reopen today after being forced to shut due to bad weather in the half term.

Open Air Bounce had planned to open all half term but unfortunately the rain put a damper on opening.

As the inflatable park, which has over 15 bouncy castles, is outside, the wet weather can shut the entire park.

Leighton Mills, who runs the park, said: "It is very frustrating June half term up to now.

"We opened on Saturday,25th and we have been closed since then.

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"With the rain that we have had, it had made the field quite unsafe with puddles and wet on the feet and plus the parking field is wet so do not want to take the risk of getting customers' cars stuck there."

Leighton said that work was being carried out to ensure they could open again on Friday.

He said: "We cancelled up until Thursday which then gives us chance to get back open from Friday and for the weekend where the weather looks like it has brightened up."

"We are feeling hopeful and apparently June will be nice with sunshine so will be opening every weekend in June."

The Met Office predicted the rain was set to continue until today, where the sun will be back out.

Those with tickets will be contacted to reschedule their bookings.

Families are urged to keep any eye on the company's Facebook page for the latest information.

Those who booked for the days the park had to close will be contacted by the owners.