Volunteers can be found under Bolton's famous town centre arches serving food to people on most days.

And the number of people - including families -queuing at the soup kitchen continues to grow.

The soup kitchen is run by Homeless Aid, with the founder Billa Ahmed concerned about the increasing number of people who are unable to afford the cost of food.

On one day alone, the organisation saw 108 people including families with children.

The Bolton News: Homeless Aid

Billa said: “We have got people that are homeless presenting to us, homeless families, people in temporary accommodation, and people who are struggling with the cost of living crisis.

“The number of people coming to us has increased dramatically.

“Rents have increased, utility bills and food prices have increased so people cannot afford to live.

“Some pay their bills and expenses off and then have nothing left.”

Charities like Homeless Aid are calling on the government to address the rise in rents and make housing available in areas like Bolton for those less fortunate.

One of the service users has been coming for years and said he was grateful for everything Homeless Aid had done for him.

He said: "I need the service though I'm not homeless anymore, but I cannot afford to eat.

"It's a shame that so many of us need this help, but we do need it, and Billa and the rest of the team are amazing.

"They have saved so many lives through this, and everyone who comes here cannot appreciate it enough.

"Most of us don't know where else to go for help and if it wasn't for homeless aid, we'd be starving."

Billa also noticed the trend of new people at the soup kitchens every week.

He said: “We are seeing a few old faces but many new faces every single time.

“I am really concerned about what is going to happen in the future with the prices firing up and being out of control.

“I really do feel for our children and what is going to happen.

The Bolton News: Homeless Aid

“We are one of the richest countries in the world and homelessness and food banks and soup kitchens should not really be happening.

“The numbers are increasing across the country."

The charity is calling on the government to put into place more schemes to help those who did not have much money left after bills have been paid.

Billa said: “People cannot afford it and it is really worrying.

READ MORE: Homeless Aid UK see increase in people seeking help

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"People with depression and anxiety are also about to lose their sickness benefits and this will drive more people under.

“It is not fair for anyone, and we are seeing this happen so often.”

The Bolton News: Homeless Aid

At the soup kitchen,  volunteers pack food for the service users and also offer any medical support and advice while there.

Another service user said: "Nobody helps you like Homeless Aid, nobody.

"They give all their time to do this and they don't want anything back.

"People judge us and why we're here, but they are not in our position and, it is really hard without help."

The soup kitchens are available for anyone struggling on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 7pm to 8pm, and Sunday 6pm till 7pm under the arches at Le Mans Crescent, and the food bank is open every day from 11-1pm and people can ring 0800 124 4641.