A number of people from Bolton have recently been before the courts.

Magistrates have dealt with a number of offences including motoring, theft and stalking.

Here are the people who have recently found themselves in court.

Rebecca Jackson stole a drill from B&Q in Bolton in February this year.

The item was valued at £130.

The 38-year-old admitted the offence at Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court.

Following this Jackson, from Colombia Road, Heaton, was placed on a community order to last for a year.

As part of this she was ordered to do a drug rehabilitation requirement with samples to be given for six months.

She was also ordered to take part in 20 rehabilitation activity requirement days and to pay compensation to B&Q of £130.

Paul Harmer drove a Fita Punto on Long Lane, Darcy Lever, Bolton, under the influence of alcohol in September last year.

The 34-year-old was breathalysed and found to have 111 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millimetres of blood.

The legal limit is 80.

On the same occasion, he drove while disqualified and without a licence and had a derivative of cocaine in his system.

Harmer, from Wyresdale Road, Heaton, admitted the offences at Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court.

Following this he was given a sentence of eight weeks suspended for 18 months.

He was ordered to do an alcohol treatment requirement for nine months and 12 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He was also banned from the road for a period of three years.

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Lyndon Brady stalked a woman over a 22-day period between August and September last year in Bolton.

The 25-year-old made persistent calls and sent messages.

He admitted the offence at Wigan and Leigh Magistrates Court.

Following this he was placed on a community order to last for two years.

Brady, from Holly Street, Astley Bridge, was ordered to take part in the building better relationships programme and to do 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

A restraining order preventing him from contacting his victim was also imposed for two years.