One can’t speak English and the other does not understand Punjabi, but it hasn’t stopped these two Blackburn neighbours becoming best friends.

Mike Falcon, 80, and Mohammed Nawaz, 85, have become unlikely TikTok superstars racking up millions of views in under two months.

The first video filmed by son Mohammed Jahangir Nawaz was just a simple greeting between the two men on Eid. Their latest video shared over the weekend has already been viewed by more than two million people.

The Lancashire Telegraph went to track the neighbours down.

Mohammed Jahangir said: “Mike lives around the corner from us and it was lovely how they greeted one another.

“People just don’t have time to greet anyone anymore. Everyone is so busy.

“I think people just love how they are friends despite them not being able to communicate.

“I did a video of my dad hugging Mike on Eid and it just took off. People have since been sharing the videos all over the place.

“It is all just so natural the way they meet and greet each other and we just filmed them as and when they feel like it.”

The friendship is reminiscent of the first generation of immigrants to the UK who would learn to look out for each other despite not being able to communicate. 

The Bolton News: Mohammed Jahangir Nawaz (centre) with his dad Mohammed Nawaz and Mike. The two neighbours had no idea how many people were watching their greetings.

The Bolton News:

Mike lives on Markham Road a short walk away from Mohammed on Franklin Road.

Mike said: “I couldn’t understand it. People were coming up to me and shaking my hand when I was out and about. I didn’t realise so many people were sharing the videos.

“We always used to greet each other, like you do to a good neighbour. Everyone around here is really friendly and gets on. It is a lovely community.

“They are a great family and we just love to sit in the garden.”

Mike is a well-known singer and known as the ‘Punch and Judy’ man. He has been working for 70 years and took up showbusiness when he was just 14 in 1958.

During his career he has performed at the Palace Theatre with the legendary Ken Dodd and also appeared at numerous events across the region and country.

In one video Mike attempts to learn some Punjabi.

He said: “I wasn’t very good at it I am afraid. I got a few words in. I don’t think the language matters to be honest.

“We just want to share the message of friendship and peace.

“Let’s just say we have the language of the heart and that is the most important thing in the world.”

Mohammed Jahangir said: “Mr Falcon and all his family are like my own family. I moved here four years ago from Denmark.

“They are wonderful and always look out for people in the neighbourhood.

“My dad just loves to sit with Mr Falcon in the garden.”


@mr_jahangir001 My dad asks uncle about his hand#frinds #frindship #punjabi #frindsforever #foryoupage ♬ الصوت الأصلي - ﴿م̀́ن̀́ع̀́ز̀́ل̀́±♡﴾


Mohammed Nawaz said Mike was one of the first people he met when he came to the country.

Speaking in Punjabi he said: “We just hit it off straight away. He is a lovely man and has a wonderful family. They are so generous and always look out for everyone here in the community.

“I am glad people like the videos.

“I just want to say to people that life is indeed short and you should spend time loving others rather than getting involved in things that matter little.

“Just be honest to one another - anything else the almighty will help no matter what.”

The Bolton News:

The uplifting videos of the two neighbours have been viewed in multiple countries including the United States, Germany, China, Japan, Africa, Pakistan and across the UK. Captions are auto-generated in the country of origin.

People are keen to share their comments on the neighbours and town of Blackburn.

Henna commented: "This made my heart melt."

Dave said: "Only if all humanity was like this."

Another comment read: "This is how we should respect and treat each other."

A further person said: "Moving to see this humanity. Beautiful souls gathering."

Mohammed Jahangir said he had been overwhelmed by the messages across the world.

He added: “I think it is all about the simple mutual respect between two neighbours and it makes people extremely happy with all that is going on in the world.”

You can view more of the videos at: