A Westhoughton man has been jailed for sexually abusing a boy.

David Leyland, 67, preyed upon his victim over a number of years. The paedophile, who denied the offence, was found guilty following a trial.

The court heard he inappropriately touched a young boy and also performed sexual activities on himself while near him.

Having been convicted by a jury of ten counts of indecent assault, he returned to court to be sentenced.

A victim impact statement was summarised to the court, which explained how the offending had affected him.

It said it had affected every part of his life, such as being able to build relationships with others and with his partner.

The victim added that Leyland could have made it easier for him by pleading guilty.

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Keith Harrison, defending, said: “It is a shock to the system to be prosecuted for this after thirty years.

“He is going to be sent to custody for a substantial time. In the meantime, there has been no further offending.

“When he is released from custody he will be homeless. He has been living with another person who has been taken into a home.

“When released he will rely on the probation service to put him in a hostel.”

Judge Abigail Hudson jailed the predator for six years.

She also placed Leyland, of Leigh Road, on the sex offenders register and imposed a sexual harm prevention order to last indefinitely.

As the victim did not attend the sentencing, the judge asked it to be relayed to him that she was grateful for his conduct during the trial.

She said: “I do not underestimate the courage it takes to come forward in this type of offending.”