A Bolton man 'loved by everyone' died at the age of just 39-years-old, an inquest heard.

Craig Hilton was described as having a 'bubbly personality' was found at  his home in Red Lane, Breightmet in November  last year.

A relative came to his house and with the help of a neighbour tried to force access to the property.

An inquest into his death took place at Bolton Coroners Court this week.

The court heard he had worked for a furniture company as an upholsterer and his family described him as having a “bubbly personality" and was "loved by everyone."

The inquest heard that Mr Hilton stopped working due to depression

During this time he turned to religion and became interested in Catholicism and carried a Bible round with him.

It also heard he tried to get a formal mental health diagnosis in Blackburn.

The cause of death was given by pathologist Patrick Waugh as hanging.

Mother Patricia Hilton said: “I don’t think he meant to do it.

“He had rung me at 9.50pm.”

She  said this had taken place the day before he was found.

She added: “He said to me he would never do that to me.”

Ms Hilton said: "He was loved by everyone" and said he "loved his dog" which was a Staffordshire Collie called Boss. 

Read more: Bolton Coroners Court transformed to help families

Read more: Restaurant cleared after man with allergies died 

Read more: Lostock man died at home aged 38

Coroner Timothy Brennand recorded a conclusion of suicide.

He said: “This is a particularly sad and tragic case and the family has lost somebody taken from them too soon in tragic and stark circumstances.

“Mr Hilton had gainful employment and a family with three children.

“He had bad mental health, it seems to have been episodic anxiety and low mood.

“The last known contact was the preceding evening of 21 November.

“The action that brought about this death was deliberate.”

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