A property owner has launched an appeal after his application to build a porch was thrown out.

Atiq Khan had applied to erect a two storey porch at the front with a pitched roof at the property, Cranberry Farm on Plodder Lane

It would have projected 1.2 metres from the current property and have been 2.7 metres wide going from 5.8 metres to 7 metres in height from the eave to the ridge.

But this was deemed unacceptable by planning officers at Bolton Council who said it would “unduly harm” the character of the surrounding area.

A report stated: “The proposed porch is prominently located at the front of the building, and it can be seen from Plodder Lane.

"In this regard, the siting and design of the proposed extension would form an incongruous feature which would adversely impact on the character and appearance of the dwelling and the street scene.

“Two storey glazed porch is not a typical feature of the Plodder Lane and the proposed front porch would be out of character with the local vernacular.”

Officers also said it a part of the local authority’s core strategy which required applications to be compatible with the nearby area.

They did however note that the proposed extension did not project past the existing front elevation.

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In January this year the plan was rejected by Bolton Council.

The reasons given for this were that is it would “unduly harm the character and appearance of the dwelling and street scene.”

An appeal has now been launched by the applicants against the decision, a month after the local authority opted to reject it.

The outcome of this will be determined by a fast track appeal.