A Bolton man racially harassed his neighbour after a dispute over dog excrement.

It started after the brother of Simon Dixon was questioned by a man who lived on Pendlebury Street, Astley Bridge about dog fouling.

The victim, a court heard, had complained about Dixon's brother after dog waste was left on the street.

James Gore, prosecuting, said: "Mr Dixon's brother has a dog."

Mr Gore said the neighbour asked Dixon's brother "can you stop your dog doing its business outside my house?"

Dixon then began to harass the man and Bolton Magistrates Court heard this involved racist abuse.

The harassment took place from  August 2022 to December that year.

Dixon set his dog on him, used racial epithets and removed a hat from his head which was worth £100.

As the man came back from the mosque Dixon told him he had got someone to smash up his windows.

The man returned to find his property damaged.

Dixon also spat towards him.

Mr Gore read a victim impact statement from the man.

It said: “Not everyone will get on with their neighbour but racism and being spat at is too much.

“I am worried for my children.

“It has impacted my health, I suffer from migraines.”

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Davies, from Pendlebury Street, Astley Bridge, appeared in court to be sentenced after previously admitting racially aggravated harassment with fear of violence.

Karen Hall, defending, said: “It is a guilty plea at the earliest opportunity.

“It goes back to 2022.

“Some time has now elapsed with no relapse and there have been no further arrests.

“We have discussed racist behaviour.

“He does accept he was racist in his behaviour towards him.”

She said he had been taking cocaine at the time but “drugs are no longer an issue, he has been with his current partner for 12 months and they are expecting a baby.”

Chair of the bench Karen Martin imposed a community order to last for a year.

She ordered him to do 20 rehabilitation activity days, to do the better solutions programme to pay compensation of £150 and fined him £100.