An "avid animal lover" will be running the Manchester Marathon in aid of a cause close to his heart.

Oliver Taylor, from Tottington, will be taking part in the event on Sunday, April 14 to help raise money for Bleakholt Animal Sanctuary.

The 18-year-old is currently studying law at Lancaster University and said he has been researching animal legislation in his classes.

His dog also died a few months ago so "raising money for animals could not be a better choice" for Oliver. 

He said: “Having decided I want to run the marathon for charity, I came across Bleakholt via my parents.

“I was told that Bleakholt’s president, Gemma Atkinson, is one of my neighbours and, after doing some research into the charity, I would be honoured to run my first marathon to help raise money for the animal sanctuary.

“From being an avid animal lover, to losing my dog a few months ago, as well as researching animal legislation during my law degree, raising money for animals could not be a better choice.

“In addition, the ability to support a local charity would be a further honour as it gives me a chance to give back to the local community."

Oliver’s, who has set up a JustGiving page to help Bleakholt, well on the way to getting himself up to speed for the event after boosting his fitness at university and completing a half marathon last year.

He added: “I got into running at university and it has enabled me to stay active alongside all the studying.

“After completing my first half marathon before the end of last year, running a marathon seems like the next logical challenge.”